速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Alina String Ensemble

Alina String Ensemble



檔案大小:140.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Alina String Ensemble(圖1)-速報App


"Alina String Ensemble is, of course, something of a niche app. " from MUSIC APP BLOG

“I cant tell you how pleased and excited I am that this simulation of the absolute classic Solina String Ensemble is coming to iOS” from thesoundtestroom

Alina String Ensemble is a musical keyboard application for iPhone/iPad/iPod touch that simulates the Solina String Ensemble. The sound is in reference to Solina String Ensemble (Serial number "SERIES 22, No.0093158”) manufactured by N.V. EMINENT BODEGRAVEN HOLLAND in the 70’s. You are sure to be surprised at the real sound generated from this App.


- Pre-loaded with 6 instruments including Viola, Violin, Brass, Horn, Cello, Contra Bass

- 49key, 4-octave Keyboards with scrollable

Alina String Ensemble(圖2)-速報App

- iOS 11 compatible

- Optimized appearance on iPhone 8/8 Plus, iPhone X

- Core MIDI and MIDI over Bluetooth LE compatible

- Supports Audiobus 3 and Inter-App Audio

- Scrollable Keyboard & dual Keyboards(Only iPad)

- BASS tone(Cello, Contra Bass) is assigned on lowest 20 keys

- Built-in Reverb that simulates a spring reverb

- Modulation that can adjust the rate and depth

Special thanks: Jun Kawabata courtesy of AIRPLANE LABEL & Studio Peach Blue Peach

支援平台:iPhone, iPad